03. Adhipatipaccayo

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chandādhipati chandasampayuttakānaṃ dhammānaṃ
taṃsamuṭṭhanānañca rūpānaṃ adhipatipaccayena paccayo.
viriyādhipati viriyasampayuttakānaṃ dhammānaṃ
taṃsamuṭṭhānānañca rūpānaṃ adhipatipaccayena paccayo.
cittādhipati cittasampayuttakānaṃ dhammānaṃ
taṃsamuṭṭhānānañca rūpānaṃ adhipatipaccayena paccayo.
vimaṃsādhipati vimaṃsasampayuttakānaṃ dhammānaṃ
taṃsamuṭṭānānañca rūpānaṃ adhipati paccayena paccayo.

yaṃ yaṃ dhammaṃ garuṃ katvā ye ye dhammā uppajjanti cittacetasikādhammā
te te dhammā tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ adhipatipaccayena paccayo.


3. Predominance Condition (Adhipati Paccaya)

i. Predominant desire or will (chanda) is related to the citta and the cetasikas associated with the chanda and to the corporeality produced by the citta by predominance condition.

ii. Predominant effort (viriya) is related to the citta and the cetasikas associated with the viriya and to the corporeality produced by the citta by predominance condition.

iii. Predominant consciousness (citta) is related to its concomitants (cetasikas) and to the corporeality produced by the citta by predominance condition.

iv. Predominant investigating – wisdom (vimamsa) is related to the citta and the cetasikas associated with it and to the corporeality produced by the citta by predominance condition.

v. Grasping any dhamma as an outstanding object, these latter dhammas – viz. consciousness and its concomitants – arise; the former dhamma is related to the latter dhammas by predominance condition.